Managed Review vs. Staffing Model

There are two standing industry models for outsourcing e-discovery document review projects – the managed review and the staffing model. While selecting a review solution – either staffing of managed, the solution should reflect an approach suffused in an understanding of applied best practices. Having said that, the following sets forth a minimal, standardized, framework which can and should be adapted to meet the needs of specific cases.

Project management

· Ensure a project plan is specifically designed and crafted to the specifications and requirements of counsel

· consistent with best practices

· Deliver a key set of documents or review protocol that govern the execution and project

· management of the review process along with workflow design

Team selection and training

· Staff personnel with expertise in specific area of laws relating to project. Develop specific job descriptions and define a detailed protocol for recruiting, testing, and selection

· Ensure conducive environment as well as conduct reference and background checks

· Preferably engage experienced personnel

· Ensure the review team receives comprehensive substantive and platform training


· Design processes, assignments and quality assurance steps specifically tailored to the project’s requirements

· Demonstrate compliance with key security and quality standards while maintaining acceptable pace

Quality control

· Adhere to six sigma principles

· Develop effective quality control processes to achieve key project goals

· Test first review work product using sampling method, targeted re-review, and validations searches

· Conduct statistics to ensure the highest quality end result

· Maintain auditing and track performance of reviewers


· Develop a formal schedule of communications with counsel adhering to laid down schedules

· Calibrate initial review results, seeking counsel’s guidance to confirm or correct results and to conform review protocol and training materials to insights gained


· Deliver regular, comprehensive reports to monitor progress and quality and to assist counsel in managing the review process

Productions and Privilege Logs

· Prepare privilege logs in accordance with specifications set by counsel

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